Thursday, December 3, 2015

To My Dad

Dad you were diagnosed with Cancer in September and by late December you were gone.  Even though it has only been a few hours since I sat next to you and told you good bye.  I am still hurting inside.  I know that the rock that I leaned on all of my life is gone and I will now have to make it on my own.  I know I still have Cathy, the kids, Mom, and my brothers to lean on but they can not replace the special bond a son has for his father.  You have left this world for Heaven a better place I know, but you did not leave the world void.  You have taught me many things which will help me to make it through now without you.  

Dad you taught me that there is more to this world than just Linton.  You were a man who loved to travel and explore.  And I know if you were born in a time long past you would have roamed the seas or climbed the mountains just because you had the itch in you to see what was out there.  That itch is in me and it is something I will treasure.  You showed me the beauty of this land and that it is not the destination but that it is the getting there that is the most fun.

Dad you showed me how to serve others.  You ran two restaurants and lived by the concept of the customer always being right.  I worked hard in both those places and served many a person.  I look back at that time and found that learning to serve others is what God wants out of all of us.  You taught this to me early on, but it has not been very many years back that I found out that serving is what my gift from God really is.  For this dad I say thanks.  

            Dad you showed me patience in the way you raised my brothers and I.  You let us all try to stand on our own, but you always were there if we needed a hand getting up when we fell.  Dad do you remember when you took us all to Canada fishing? All of us in one boat.  Six lines trolling at once.  Catching more snags than fish, but every once in awhile a fish would be caught.  Now that was patience dad.  It is that type of patience I have needed when speaking from the pulpit.  I know the lines are out, but sometimes I need to wait to see if a catch is made for the Lord.   Your patience is with me Dad and I hope it always will be.

            You showed me that your home was OK, but there was a time when I needed to leave and to make my way in the world.  But I always knew you and mom would be watching me wherever I went. 

Dad you taught me to overcome.  You taught me that a man with only one thumb still could do anything he wanted.  You never hid it or made excuses for missing a thumb.  You never called it a disability.  For you dad it was a challenge that you met and conquered in your life.  I can still recall the time when I was a junior in high school.  One of my friends approached me and asked ‘When did your dad lose his thumb?’  And I told him the story and he said he never really noticed it was missing until recently.  You overcame that which others would call a hardship.  I hope to be just as good at overcoming the obstacles in my life as you have shown me dad.

Dad you taught me right from wrong early on in my life.  You taught me that there are not shades of gray when it comes to doing right.  I guess this comes out mostly in my sermons dad and for that I am grateful.

And finally dad the most important thing you taught me was to know the Lord.  We went to church as a family for many years and the seed was planted.   Over the years that seed has been watered and cultivated.  I now view Christ as the center of my life and it is all because you and mom took me to church and ensured that I knew what the Bible said.  The reason this is the most important is because it is through Christ that you and I will see each other again.  You rededicated your life to Christ not long ago and I know that your acknowledgment of Him before men is what was truly needed in your life.  That walk you took down the isle was the cure for your cancer.  I hope you are having good talks with all those that have gone before you and that you are exploring heaven for yourself, because I will need a tour guide when I get there and I know of no one better to show me the beauty of Heaven.

Missing you very much
                                                     Your Son

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