Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thank Goodness For The Longevity of Rock Stars

Occasionally I would have to transport my two sons in my truck.  Now the radio in my truck is usually tuned into a country or classic rock station.  My sons would wine and complain about listening to my music whenever they traveled with me.  One day while we were traveling I had my favorite classic rock station tuned in on the radio.  Well it did not take too long for the kids to tell me to quit listening to oldies and get with the modern stuff.  Well I said “Ok what station do you want to listen to?”  they both yelled one hundred point seven mix FM and proceeded to turn the radio dial to that station.  Once the station was found I listened for a few seconds and asked them both “you like this group”?  My oldest son said “yeah, they rock”.  Where upon I asked him if he knew the name of the band that was playing.  He said ‘sure, everyone knows Aerosmith.  This is their hit single”.  I then reached over and hit one of the preset buttons on the radio set to the classic rock station we were just on and told them “funny that is the same Aerosmith that is playing here and you called them old”.  Well they both were stunned that we could like the same band.  Just to add insult to injury I said to them “you know Aerosmith was one of the first 8-tracks I bought when I got my first car.” 

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