Friday, December 4, 2015

When a Longtime Minister Leaves

         By the time you read this newsletter Rod and Verian we be officially gone.  One of Rod's last words to us as a congregation was "Don’t Quit".  Well I am going to take these words a little farther to "Don't Quit and Don't Slow Down".  We have come a long way as a body of believers in the past few years.  We have grown spiritually, as well as in number.  We have grown closer together as we strive each day to do the Lord's will.  In order to keep this level up we need to keep moving in step with the Lord.  If we do that we will continue to grow and reach new spiritual levels that we have never seen before.  I know there are some who will distance themselves from the Church during this time.  Some who will say "I am not being fed by the interim minister" or "I can stay at home and study until the new minister comes" or some who say "Well we can miss this Sunday, it is only a fill-in anyway".  God wants us to be together on Sunday worshipping Him.  Good worship begins inside us all and we need to not distance ourselves from the Church during a time when I feel God may be testing our dedication to Him.  Let's not slow down for God during this time.  The Lord needs you in Church worshipping Him.  Your fellow brothers and sisters need you in Church praying and comforting one another.  Please let's not quit, lets not slow down, and above all let's not fail this test.  I know God will reward this Church if we stay the course and remain strong doing God's work and God's will.

                          See you Sunday


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