Friday, December 4, 2015

The Value of a Tooth

     My eight-year-old son Logan, was eating a piece of pizza and to his surprise his loose tooth came out.  After finding the tooth on the floor he promptly placed it on the table for safe keeping.  And like all kids his age he soon forgot about it.  My wife and I discussed whether or not to give him money for his tooth.  As he was of the age where the Tooth Fairy did not mean too much to him any more.  After some debate we exchanged his tooth for two quarters.  The next day we told him to look on the table.  There he found the money had replaced his tooth and he gladly picked upped the quarters and placed them in his bank.  That day he went to visit his Grandpa and told him about the pizza pulling out his tooth.  “Well how much was that worth to you?” his Grandpa asked.  To which Logan replied, “two dollars”.  My wife, overhearing this pointed out to Logan that he did not receive two dollars for the tooth.  “But Mom”, Logan replied, “Grandpa asked me what the tooth was worth, not what I got!”

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