Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 23

  Well the day started great but ended pretty lousy. Got to sleep in and just read a little until lunch, as I had the late shift today.  The first part of the shift went well. Fairly busy but not too busy. I did get a silver dime in my til as change. I quickly bought it out of my til. When I was younger my Dad had two restaurants. Every night he went through the change and pulled out the silver coins. I guess I learned from him.
   After dinner break the place was fairly busy until around 7pm. Then I went to work in the grocery section stocking refrigerators. Around 8pm Robert came and got me to get back to my register. It seems the terminals could not process credit card transactions. So we had to pull out the old knuckle Buster's and do the credit card transactions manually. It sure slowed things down and back ups at all registers started happening. It was solid chaos until closing time. The customers were nice about it and many commented that they had not seen the knuckle busting machine in years.
  On a sad note, we lost a worker at our canyon store. They found him in his RV unresponsive. They think he died of a heart attack. I prayed for this person's family today.
  That is about it and I hope they have the credit card issue worked out before I go back to work tomorrow. Take care you all and be well.
  P.s. My supervisor Robert had the best hiking story I have heard to date. He went on an 18 Mile hiked in the Lamar valley and ran into Grizzles, bison, rain, hail, sun, and lightening. He had a great adventure and all the thrills of the summer packed into one hike.

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