Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 32

   The day started early and cold, but sunny.  After breakfast I got my til and went immediately into the refrigerators to stock. I worked in the refrigerators for a couple of hours. I then went to my station and noticed it was getting busy. It stayed busy until my break.
  Lunch break came and James, our cook, grilled us all hamburgers. I had a bacon cheeseburger and it was great. I went to the dorm and watched some TV for awhile. Then it turned dark and we had lightening strikes around us. Then the rain came. After a short nap I went back to work. The rain was still coming down. This forced tourists into the store and also down the road. Most of those tourist who came into the store just hung out to dry and never bought anything. They just turned the place into a crowded area.  After awhile the rain came down harder and it started to hail pretty good. Tourists still ventured out and watched the eruptions.
  Not too much else happened in the store. When I turned my cash in I got to see the report of how I have been doing as a cashier. The report showed that I was no less than 31 cents short to 28 cents over. A pretty good report. I also received a tee shirt that celebrated the eclipse coming up on August 21. Doubled my wardrobe. I also saw the report of items broken by tourists in the store and items damaged before they reached the shelf. It was incredibly long. Tourist break things everyday and multiple times a day. Mainly because the aisles are narrow and the store is crowded.
  Well that is about it. I have laundry to do now. Take care.

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