Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 31

   For some reason I could not sleep past 5am. So I got up and took a shower and got ready for work. Then I watched Mike and Mike on ESPN for awhile before breakfast.  Breakfast was blueberry pancakes and bacon. Great way to start a really boring day.  All I can say is the cold and rain kept business down and just standing around for 4 hours is a drag. We had four people stocking grocery, so everything got stocked pretty quick. The tourists were not happy standing in the cold rain watching old faithful. Most just left in their cars after watching the eruption, so business was very slow.
  Lunch was great. Baked ham and sweet potatoes. After a boring morning I looked forward to a nice nap.
   Going back to work after the break and business was still slow. If your reading this I hope you are as bored as I was. :) Going to try to read a book at the Old Faithful Inn and relax. Take care and sorry the day was not more exciting.
  P.s. yesterday Patrick said he found a wad of cash under one of our display tables. The cash was rolled up in a rubber band and had two lottery tickets with it. He said it was a lot of money and he turned it in to management. Tourists seem to always leave things behind.

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