Monday, August 14, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Final Entry

  Well if you are reading this then you probably know I am home. If you don't then surprise I am home in Indiana once again. Why am I home you may ask. Well sometimes you have to put the bucket list on hold to be there for the family. If you did not know my son Jacob, his wife Hayley and my grandson Marek will be moving to West Virginia. Jacob will be starting a new job in the DC area. Their house has sold and they have bought a new one in West Virginia. When Hayley posted on Facebook of their plans I started to be bothered in my heart. I prayed and talked to God about the situation and after a couple restless nights I decided I needed to be home with the family to help them in their move, if I can. But also to give hugs and advice. Several weeks ago I approached Carrie of my decision and indicated to her that I would end my contract on August 13th and head home. I explained the situation and how I have been praying about it. She understood. I felt bad about not fulfilling my contract and leaving her in a bind. Something I never wanted to do. But God answered prayer in that I have been taking to my friend Doris, who worked with me last year. She was in the tetons working and things were not going well. I told her that I am sure Carrie would pick her up as a cashier if she wanted to come back. A week later Doris contacted HR and she was hired. I felt a lot better about leaving because Doris will fill in the void left by me as a cashier until October 30th.

Since this is my last entry I wish to say goodbye once again to my fellow workers at Yellowstone. Some old friends like Kathy, James, Bob, Robert, Patrick, George, Jack, Julian, Ron, Cindy, Doris, Anita, Anna and Carrie. Also some new friends I have made Heidi, Sandi, Dianne, Anthony, Mark, Jacob, Rudi, Elizabeth, Artum, Nobel, Sherrie, Dustin, Connor, Erin and Megan.  All the Taiwanese and Russian workers.  If I left off any one I ask forgiveness. Thanks for more than a month of adventure.

Yellowstone thanks again for the sights and sounds of God's creation.

Thank you all who read my blog. Either everyday or every so often. Take care and see you around Linton, at least for awhile.

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