Monday, August 7, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 30

  Day shift today so I was up at 5:50am to get showered. Breakfast was cereal this morning because you sometimes just need some raisin bran.
   After breakfast I clocked in and got my til. The company auditors came in last night and audited our tils. I was spot on. Put my til in my register in the grocery station and headed into the refrigerators to stock. The morning was very slow and stocked until around 11am. I had a great couple from Spain come in that were lost. They could not speak english well and I had difficulty understanding them. Eventually I understood that they were traveling by motorcycle and got separated from their group, with no way to contact them because of the cell phone service. They wanted to know how to get to Sturgis, where the motorcycle rally was going on. I showed them on the map how to get to the east entrance and to Cody Wyoming. I managed to get them to understand once they got near Cody they would have cell reception. They thanked me several times and headed out. I sure wish the universal translator was invented as that would have come in handy today.
  Lunch break was great and the nap was even better.  Heading back to work at 2:30 I found the store to be somewhat busy but not too busy. Not too many customer stories from the rest of my shift and I managed to clock out on time.
  On a side note the temperature this morning was 33 degrees and it has been raining off and on. A very cold rain. Sleeping was great but had to turn off the fan in the middle of the night as it got pretty cold.
  That is about all. Please say a prayer for our cook Kathy as she fell today and was hurt. She is a great person and cares for all of us workers. She is a great cook too.

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