Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 24

   I was up around 8am and showered. I wanted to find out if the credit card problem was fixed. I headed to the store with my book to read it in front of the store in one of their rockers. I asked the cashiers if the credit card issue was fixed and they said not yet. Drat.
  Yesterday I forget to tell you about a customer who drove up to the Lamar valley to see the bison. He said a big bull bison was walking down the road and the truck in front of him was getting a little impatient with how slow it was traveling. Evidently the guy driving the truck laid on his horn. The bison did not take kindly to that and proceeded to give all those on the road a great viral video. The bison started to bang into the truck with its head and horns before walking off. I think the guy in the truck needs to understand that it is rutting season right now and the bison are somewhat on edge. Great videos though.
  After a lunch of spare ribs and baked potatoes I headed to the grocery section and my cash register. It was fairly busy but great that the credit card issue was finally fixed. Yesterday I got a silver dime in my til. Today I got a 1926 Buffalo nickel in my til. Bought it out at once. Two lucky days in a row. Tomorrow I may get gold.
  The store was fairly busy and I worked until my break at 2:30. At my break I ran into my friend Doris. It seems things did not work out well at Colter Bay and she quit to come back to work for our group again. It is good to have her back and will be nice to work with her once again.
   After dinner I headed back to a fairly slow store. Had some interesting customer experiences. A Chinese couple came to my register with a boat load of groceries. They started to jabber Chinese back and forth between each other while I rang up their purchase. All of a sudden I felt they were talking to me. I looked up and sure enough their jabbering was directed at me and I had no idea what they were saying. They kept grabbing stuff out of the bag and then jabbering at me again. I finally held up my hand and said very slowly to stop grabbing items that I have not scanned yet and please slow down on what you are trying to say. They finally stopped jabbering so fast and we got their purchases done. It was a really tough day of communicating with customers for sure.
   We had a lady who came to our station and wanted to file a grievance against the prices that are being charged in the store. She felt that the high prices were limiting the park to only those elite rich people. Bob gave her a form to fill out and turned it over to management. I just laughed.
  Worked in the refrigerator the rest of the evening until I clocked out. That is about it for the day. I hope you all reading this are doing well. Thanks for coming along.

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