Friday, August 4, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 27

   Terminals were up and running, so all the cash registers were working. Slept in late and then got up to get some laundry done.
  Today was a special lunch by Kathy and James. Baked salmon and potatoes and snicker cake. Me not being a fish fan, Kathy made sweet and sour chicken. It was a great lunch. Bob said the salmon was cooked to perfection and it was real salmon steaks. Very nice.
  Not much happened at all today so I will give you some news from the store. The general stores in Yellowstone have surpassed 4.5 million dollars worth of sales.  Management announced that due to the cash register issue all the employees of the store will get free room and board for this week. That is 80 plus dollars extra in the paycheck. Everyone cheered on that.
  Today is my Friday and I get two days off. Will be heading tomorrow to hike around the canyons of Yellowstone. I will also visit the canyon general store to see what our main competition looks like. That store is the only one comparable to ours in size.
  That is about it for today. A much better day than yesterday for sure. Take care you all.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your days off. Thanks for writing your blog. It is very interesting to read as I recuperate from my surgery. I look forward to it and Brad Feaster's Wabash River Journal. Thank you.
