Friday, August 11, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 34

  Got up and had a good breakfast of bacon and eggs. Then went into the store to get my til. I went to work in the grocery section and started to stock the refrigerators. After a couple of hours I went and stood for 2.5 boring hours waiting on very few customers. It was really slow in the store and that 2.5 hours just dragged on like slow death.
  Finally my break arrived and lunch was pretty good. After lunch I went to watch some TV and then headed to my room to listen to some music and rest.
  I clocked back in and the store finally was busy enough to justify 8 cashiers. It stayed busy for the next 3 hours. Thank goodness.
  For dinner I had cereal as Friday is pizza night and I am not a fan of spicy pizza. After dinner I needed to get my uniforms washed so I started some laundry. This is my Friday and pay day. Got a surprise in my check in that the promised bonus for the cash register issues that we went through a couple of weeks ago was in this paycheck. 80 extra dollars. Yeah.
  That is about it except, come on Cubs what is wrong with you. The Cardinals as sniffing at your backside. Whew, need to get that off my chest.
  Later all and please stay safe and well.

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