Thursday, August 3, 2017

Yellowstone Adventure 2017 - Day 25

   Woke up early because my roommate Brandon was sleeping through his alarm. I finally had to wake him and ask him if he had the day off. He did not and thanked me for getting him up.
  Later I got a text from Cathy that the Davis family from church was in the area and trying to get in touch with me. After several texts back and forth Andy understood where I was in the park. They said they would stop by and say hello.
  After a good lunch I went to work. It was very busy and I had a little run in with a co-worker. We had a difference of opinion on what staying at your cash register and working meant. After a little dust up and floor supervisor interaction we had it settled. After awhile he apologized to me and we shook hands. I consider it over and done with.
   After my break the Davis' arrived and I took them on a quick tour of the store and the immediate area. They were in a hurry to get on the road toward the Tetons, so we just had a few minutes to talk. Still it was good to see some home folks.
  After break I went back to my cash register and worked until about 7pm. Then I stocked the fridge until 8:15. We have been prepared all week for the terminals to be taken down for an upgrade. Sure enough at 8:30 the cash registers went down and for the next hour we had to manually write down every item we sold. The problem with this was that most of the items have no price marked. So with the help of a runner and some great customers, I was able to process quite a few customers.  Carrie asked us to pray that the terminals are up and running tomorrow. I really will as I do not want to go through this process again. Writing down every item's UPC code and price and using the old knuckle buster credit card machines is not my idea of a fun time.
   That it about all. A very taxiing day and I am ready for bed. Thanks for reading and sleep well.

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