Monday, August 3, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 64

   Second day of work this week and it was a day shift.  Up early for a Special K breakfast and then walked into work.  It was almost chilly this morning as the temperature was around 62 degrees, but very pleasant to walk.  I got to work and really did not have much today in the way of straightening up, as I closed the store yesterday and did most of the stuff.  I guess I will have to stop doing so much closing if I was going to open the store the next day.  I did manage to get a few things done to prepare the store for the day and to keep myself busy as there was not much business early in the morning.  Around 9AM Gina next door got called into Rick Hustead's office.  I figured it was something important as Rick does not usually call department managers off their shift to come and meet.  Right before Pauline arrived at 11AM we got a delivery of 150 moccasins and 170 belts.  So I had plenty to do the rest of the day for sure.  Pauline got the prices to me and I went to work pricing and stocking the items.  While I was doing this Gina met with Pauline and filler her in on the meeting.  Later as I was working on the belts Pauline told me about the meeting.  Well it seems that our departments, Kids, Buckboard, moccasins, camping, boots, and belts were doing exceptionally well.  Our sales numbers were well ahead of last year and Rick was very happy about that the virus did not affect the store as bad as he feared.  This was very good and it made Pauline's day for sure.  She told me also that we ended up selling around 850 moccasins in July.  That is 220 more than we sold in July last year.  I asked Pauline if she ever heard of the adventures of Joseph in the Bible.  She said she did not remember his story.  Well I said I am your Joseph for this year. I told her that where ever Joseph was placed that placed prospered.  Whether in Potiphar's house or in prison or in charge of Egypt's resources.  She laughed at this, but Gina knew the story and she liked the comparison.  I told them we will see how you do when I leave and I told them I would drop by next year and see if the sales are down. 
   Today I met two boys, pictured below, who were carrying a toaster.  I asked them why were they carrying a toaster around and they told me it was their fathers.  You see some people take items like dolls and such and when they get to places of interest they take pictures of the item at those locations.  These two decided that it would be neat to take their fathers chrome toaster with them on their trip out west.  They would get stickers put on the toaster and take pictures and videos of the toaster at the places where they were at.  So they brought it in the store to get a Wall Drug sticker and to get a picture or two of the toaster with some of Wall Drug in the background.  They also told me their father did not know they took the toaster.  At least until he tried to use it after they were gone.  So when they get back this well traveled toaster will have many stickers on it and some great pictures to back it up.  I told them that I thought that was an excellent idea and they let me snap a picture of them.  This made my day.

  On a sad note I don't know if it is the Sturgis crowd or not, but yesterday and today I had a few customers wearing t-shirts with the F*** word emblazoned on them in some phrase or saying.  The wearers were men and women.  What has this world come to where someone can think I will slip this shirt on and proudly wear it where there are kids?  This just makes me sad, very sad.  I pointed one out to Gina and she agreed that there was no place for people wearing shirts like that in public.  All I can say is if this was my business I would be asking them to vacate the premises and if they asked why I would say that kids don't need to see an R rated t-shirt while family shopping.
   That is about all for today.  I did meet someone who works for the Air Force in DC who knew of Crane.  We had a nice talk about the Navy and working for the government.  We had plenty of dogs come through today but I was only able to the below for a Dog of the Day.  Take care and stay well and please say a prayer for Harold Padgett's family as they will be laying him to rest this week.

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