Saturday, August 1, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 62 (Day Off)

   I got up semi early as I wanted to get on the road to Pierre South Dakota.  I wanted to say good bye to the Missouri River, as I wont be passing by it on the way home this time.  Pierre has a very nice park next to the river called Griffith Park.  The park has plenty of things for families to do.  There is a Frisbee golf course, picnic areas, a baseball diamond, lake beach access and a marina to put a boat in as well as rent some watercraft.  There is also a 6 mile trail called the Lewis & Clark Trail that borders the river.  It was this trail I wanted hike.
   After a nice Special K breakfast I headed out to Pierre.  The day was nice and only going to get into the low eighties as a high.  Yes the wind will be blowing too.  The drive to Pierre took me through some very active farm land.  The sunflower crops were in full bloom and looking very pretty.  The farmers were in the fields bringing in the wheat crop.  The crops do look good for sure.  Today I saw more motorcycles on the road heading the opposite direction than me.  I think Sturgis motorcycle rally will be bringing in quite a few over the next two weeks.  The only issue I see if that they like to travel in packs.  So when I see in front of me one passing a slower moving vehicle, the others in the pack also try to pass.  The problem is that one or two may pass OK, but the third or fourth cycle that tries to pass is in my lane for a little too long.  I don't hesitate to lay on my horn and remind them that there are others on the road who don't want to get killed.  I think Sturgis is going to make driving around a little interesting for sure.  Also don't get me started on the 80 plus year old motorcycle drivers that are out here too.  
   I got to Pierre around 11AM, 10AM Wall time as I lose an hour going there.  I fond the park's parking area pretty much empty.  I pulled into a nice space under a tree for some shade.  I then let the tail gate down and changed into my hiking shoes and put on a backpack with some water.  After locking things up I headed down the riverside trail.  They have signs all the way so you don't get lost.  The first part of the trail takes you between the park and the river.  So I got to see a lot of things that they have for those wishing to use the park.  After leaving the park you enter residential areas where houses are on one side and the river on the other.  I would not mind having a riverside house with a nice deck to watch the river go by.  I wonder what winter is like here by the river.  I imagine it gets pretty cold.  After leaving the residential area you enter another park containing a ball field and then past it you enter an area where campers can park for the night.  There was a couple of those huge Prevost type motor homes.  I would have liked to see what they looked like inside.  After the camping area you come to the marina.  There was a lot of activity there with boats going into the river and out of the river.  After the marina there was a boat repair and maintenance facility. Pretty handy for helping keep those boats in shape.  After all this the trail then heads into the woods bordering the river for the next three and half miles.  The walk through the woods was interesting as the pictures below show how it bordered the river.  The only drawback of the trail was that it also went by Pierre's sewer treatment plant.  Boy did that place make the trail smell ripe. The trail also went by a dog park and then a golf course and finally it ended at another camp ground and river boat access.  So from the start of the trail by my truck it was around 5.1 miles.  After some water and foot massage, I headed back the way I came.  I only saw 3 other people on the trail, as I think most people bicycle the trail and only real diehards walk it.  :)  The total hike was around 10.28 miles according to my Samsung watch.  It is pretty accurate as it uses GPS to track my progress. I can tell you this though, when I got back to the truck I sat on the tail gate and rested as my feet were tired.  This is the longest hike I have done since arriving here.  I hope my legs get some rest overnight and have no ill effects tomorrow during my evening shift.
  After the hike I went to McDonald's and come a light lunch and like it has been for a while, ate it im my truck while driving back to the trailer.  The drive back was uneventful other than hitting a ton of bees and grasshoppers. When I arrived at Wall I went to the local gas station and cleaned my wind windshield.  Getting to the trailer I got my clothes changed and then took a nice 2 hour nap.  I was bushed.  That is about it.  I will be back to work tomorrow for a late shift.  I will probably sleep in for sure.  Take care and stay well.

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