Friday, August 14, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 74

   Woke up at 5AM again today. I don't know why I cant seem to sleep past 5AM but I decided to get up and get showered and do my laundry.  The laundromat is 24 hour and I needed to get my clothes done for the last time as I head home via a circuitous route Saturday. I got my laundry started around 6AM and was done around 7AM.  I decided to get breakfast at the local Subway.  They open at 7AM so that was convenient.  I took the breakfast back to the trailer and ate.  Then I put the clothes in the bins that I use when traveling west for the summer.  I got things organized so I can get stuff loaded into the truck Friday night and then head out early Saturday.  After all that was done I cleaned the toilet and the shower.  I am trying to make sure everything is ready for inspection Friday.  If my inspection is OK then I get my $100 deposit back which will be used as my travel money home.  I then took a nap until I got ready to head to work around 10:30.

  I walked to work with my umbrella, as the weather has been hot and then chances of rain in the evening.  I got to work to find Pauline dealing with a rather large lady trying on moccasins. I could tell this lady was testing Pauline's patience, as there already was 4 boxes of moccasins next to her that she must have tried on.  I got behind the counter and waved at Pauline as she was climbing the ladder to retrieve another moccasin box.  She looked at me and gave me one of those looks that said "Why me!"  I have had that look several times while working here, but you just have to get through it.  After Pauline finished with the lady I checked her out at the register.  Thank goodness she bought a pair of moccasins after what she put Pauline through.  Pauline approached me and said she brought in a cake for our last day working together.  The picture is below of my piece.  She also gave me a card that was signed by all my my co-workers in the departments adjoining ours.  I read each of the entries that my friends wrote and I was choked up. Like I said from the beginning, I may not like the job that much but the people have been great to work around.  It was also my co-worker Dean's 73 birthday.  We all wished him a happy birthday with a card we signed yesterday.  Dean is a great guy and a funny guy also.  After all the cake and celebration and such we got back to work.  It was pretty steady all day until Pauline went to her second job.  Then business really slowed down, but Pauline left me with inventorying  and pricing about 200 kids socks.  So that took about two hours to do, but it killed much of the evening and before I knew it it was closing time.  After we closed our tills Stephanie came over and gave me a hug goodbye as she would be off tomorrow.  I also bid goodbye to Jean and a few others in the store, as they would be off tomorrow too.  I have made a lot of friends here and that is one of the benefits of summer work.  I know I plan on stopping by in the future and I am sure I will be welcome back anytime.

  That is about it.  I have to get up early tomorrow to begin my last day.  Take care everyone and stay well.

My goodbye card
The cake was excellent

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