Sunday, August 9, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 70

   Well today starts my last week of work at Wall Drug.  Not that I am looking forward to leaving the moccasin paridise, but I am looking forward to leaving the moccasin paradise.  I had an early shift today and got up around 6:30AM to eat breakfast and checked email.  The day was great for a walk into work.  The temperatures started nice and was going to get into the low 90's by the end of the day.  I opened the store and got a surprise when I put the change in the register.  I broke open a roll of dimes and found a 1943 Liberty silver dime.  Yes a lucky day for sure.  It did not take long after opening to start to see the parade of Sturgis motorcycle tourists come in.  Folks I can only say you would not believe the manner of dress of the motorcycle women and girls.  It makes me shake my head and one 80 year old woman about made me lose my breakfast.  They are polite people and all but they are very rough around the edges for sure.  Thank goodness a group of Mennonites came through to break of the parade of indecency.  :)  

  The funny customer of the day had to be a guy who was trying on several belts.  I saw him out of the corner of my eye and he would grab a belt and slip it on and then shake his head and try another.  He saw me looking at him and he asked "Do these belts run short?"  I told him "I don't think it is the belts."  He laughed and went on to try a few more.  It amazes me how men lie to themselves about these waist size and thus their belt size.  I will ask Pauline about putting a permanent tape measure in the belt section so guys and gals can actually see where they need to start buying a belt. 

   Business was pretty brisk and around 10AM Dan came in to help me, as he had the second shift.  It stayed busy until around 2PM and then it slowed to a crawl.  I guess the cyclist were traveling to Sturgis and not visiting Wall.  We sold many many belts and I even went to the stock room and brought some of the more popular ones down to the floor for sale.  Pauline was right in thinking the Sturgis crowd was a belt buying group.  I also sold many belts today to those that forgot theirs when they packed or their belt broke while riding their motorcycles.

  Today a friend of mine from my old working division came into the store.  Because they were in a hurry they did not come and visit me.  They did eat at the store cafe but I am sure they experienced long lines and crowds and that made them want to leave rather quickly.  The first 2 weeks of August are not a good time to be visiting this area because of the motorcycle rally.  I read yesterday a USA Today article concerning the motorcycle rally.  They claimed over 250,000 people were in the area for the rally.  They also claimed, and I have seen it first hand, that social distancing and mask wearing was not happening. They detailed how it was a struggle for the area to decide on having the rally or not.  I am glad I did not have to make that decision.  There are many businesses that plan 350 days a year for the 14 of the rally.  Some businesses exists only because of the income from the rally.

   That is about all for this day and tomorrow I shift to late shift for 4 days and then day shift on my last day.  You all take care and stay well.  Be kind and pray for each other.

p.s.  No dogs came through the store today for me to photo.  So I will put our dog Sammy here as he is a good dog.

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