Friday, August 7, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 68 (Day Off)

    Was able to sleep in a little, but since this is my first day off I had to get up for laundry.  When I got to the laundromat there was actually others in there.  This is the first time that has happened since I have been going on Friday.  I think Sturgis crowd is really packing into Wall.  You can't go 5 minutes around here without the rumble of a motorcycle going by.  I have also observed that the motorcyclist don't know how to use their turn signals either.  But I digress, after laundry was done I headed for Rapid City just to walk around the place and get about three items I would need for supplies until I left.  Driving there I noticed about 5 vehicles on the side of the road at various areas.  Motorcycles, campers, cars, etc.  All were broken down or actively being looked at.  Seems Sturgis also brings out engine trouble too.  I got to Rapid City and parked in town as I wanted to walk around town and look at some of the shops and such.  Just to get some exercise and to see what was for sale.  The most interesting place I stopped at was Pawnseum.  I stopped by there initially to see the clocks it had in the window but found out it was a very elaborate pawn shop and a museum.  Below is a picture of one of the items on display. It also had a very nice display of a large gold nugget that was found by a prospector doing some placer mining.  The largest nugget ever found in the Black Hills placer mining.  The miner who found it sure looked like one of those old miners.  They had a very large selection of clocks and a very nice repair business going for them. They also had a large number of items that were for sale that were pawned.  It was an interesting store for sure.

  I walked around town for a couple of hours and saw a lot of shops and such.  Rapid City downtown also has a large amount of homeless and many times you would see people with signs asking for money.  The downtown also seemed to have a few shelters, which probably contributed to the fact that there were many beggars around.  But I never felt not safe in the town and in fact the sidewalk restaurants and wine bars were doing a great business.  The center of town had a nice park area where concerts and such were done.  In fact they were setting up for a concert when I passed through the area.  The below picture is a fountain area in the corner of the concert area.

  I had lunch at Culver's and picked up my supplies at Target then headed back to Wall.  On the way back I noticed the traffic on the other side of the interstate seemed to be congested and that was not normal for South Dakota.  Traveling a few more miles I found out why.  It seems there was an accident that shut down I-90 West.  It looked like several motorcycles or motorcycles and campers were involved in an accident.  The police were on the scene and traffic was crawling past the accident site.  I pray no one was seriously hurt.  

   I got back to the trailer and rested for a while before going on a 3 mile walk to work of lunch.  That is about it for today.  I think I will hike up a small bad land hill behind where I live tomorrow and then do some cleaning of the trailer.   Stay safe everyone and stay well.

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