Thursday, June 2, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 15

   It was very hard to get up this morning after having two days off, but I managed to crawl out of bed at six am to start the day.  The day was pretty uneventful except for two things that I will share. While ringing up a couple who purchased a few items I noticed when I ran his credit card that it said he was a doctor. I asked him if he was a doctor and he said yes. I asked him a doctor of what and he said he was a plastic surgeon. I told him week I might be able to need his services and that was when his wife spoke up and said "You are perfect just the way you are." I laughed and said that statement will make my whole week better. The both laughed and I thanked them for their purchases and wished them a great day in the park.  The other great customer experience of the day was when a Chinese couple bought $144.46 worth of souvenirs. I rang them up and told them the total. I figured they would just use a credit card but the man started to count out bills. The woman then pulled out a zip lock bag full of change. They both could not speak English very well and counting American money was tough too. So I pitched in and helped them count.  All the man had in bills was $140.00.  So I turned to the woman and tried to tell her that you were $4.46 short. So she looked at her bag of change and the look I got indicated she wanted me to take over the count. So I counted out each coin out loud and would you believe the bag contained exactly $4.46. The couple looked at me fearfully that they were short and I told them that they were just perfect as they had exactly what was needed. They both laughed and I joined in as I was just as surprised as they were.
  The day went by pretty fast and was just busy but not crazy busy. It was slow this morning and I worked in the dungeon doing stock folding and hanging.  After dinner I headed out for a walk around the geyser basin. That is what I about living where I am at as I can walk several paths and durations.
  Well that is all for today. I thank you again for reading and I will leave you with a quote from Samuel Clemens: "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."


  1. Loved the story about "just the right change". Funny how things happen like that. During my cashier years, I liked it when an order just happened to come out even to the exact dollar. I always feel that bells and whistles should go off and the customer should get a gift or something.
    Keep enjoying Yellowstone.
    PAT M

  2. If I was that Chinese couple I'd be suspicious. "How much does this cost?" "How much do you have?" Lol. Good thing they had you as their cashier.
