Saturday, June 4, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 17

  Got up early today for my shift. I set my alarm for five thirty so I could get some internet time to update my computer files. The internet via cell phone only works from around midnight to seven in the morning. After that the tourists slam the tower and internet ceases to work by a cell phone. By the way I don't know if I have said this or not but if you don't have Verizon then you are out of luck in the park where I am.  Once I got the computer stuff done I showered and headed for breakfast. The cooks make eggs over easy really great and I had that for breakfast.
  After a hearty breakfast I went to work. As this was Saturday I figured we would be busy but the morning was very slow so I put up stock most of the morning until I got asked by Jack to help him with some paper bags in the grocery area. Let me tell you about Jack. He works in the grocery area of out store ensuring that the food items are on the shelves and that the refrigerators are stocked with milk, juice, pop, etc. He works very hard and always seems to be doing something. On his days off he organized hikes for us to attend that are usually five miles or so in length. The astounding thing is that he is almost eighty. I tell you he is my hero. He is also a Cub fan and that makes him twice the nicest guy. His favorite saying to me is "Bret you get out there and sell because the world needs more refrigerator magnets."
  Today I got to meet a very interesting lady from New Zealand. Interesting because this lady had a tattoo going from her lower lip down to under her chin. She spoke English well and we had a great conversation on who was on each of the US bills. She appeared to me to look Aboriginal but that is only a guess.
  I also got to talk to a couple from Bloomington Indiana and they even knew Linton and quoted our town phrase of "You'll like Linton". It was good to converse with some Hoosier folks too.
  We had some excitement today in the store. A lady passed out outside of our bathrooms today. 911 was called and after she regained consciousness they gave her some Gatorade to drink. The ambulance personnel determined she was dehydrated. A lesson to all that you can get dehydrated real easy in the mountains and that the sun can really do some damage to a person rather quickly.
   Got some exciting news from home today that I will share at a later date. So I am sitting here on a bench outside the Old Faithful Lodge writing this blog to you. It has been a great day weather wise and I sure am enjoying the bench and the sun shine tonight. I hope you all are doing well and thanks for your prayers as I am praying for you all from afar. Be good and praise God daily for the beauty he has created.

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