Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 33

   Finally made it to my days off. Today was just nuts when it came to being busy. I got to work at eleven thirty and was not able to stop taking money for tourist purchases until I was relieved at two thirty for my break. It was crazy busy. After dinner break it finally slowed down around six.  After today I really need the two days off. 
  On the bright side I met tourists from Moscow, Finland and the Czech Republic.  The best customer experience was a lady with the last name of Hobbs. I told her we had the same last name and ask her if she was from Indiana too. She smiled and as soon as she talked I knew she was nowhere close to Indiana. She was from South Africa. I asked her well maybe your a rich relative that moved to South Africa to open a diamond mine. She said no such luck. Well it was a long shot hope that I could have found a long lost rich relative.
  Not too much else happening in the wild world of Yellowstone cashiering. I am scheduled to go on a hike tomorrow to Fairy Falls with a couple I attend church with. Supposedly it will be a ten mile hike and from what I gather a very pretty destination. I will try to get pictures uploaded to Facebook of the hike. I hope to see some wild life also.
  I will leaves you with another observation. Mostly all the foreign tourists are in rental cars. Since the manuals are in English they fail to understand the car alarm and what sets it off. If I don't hear a car alarm going off in the parking lot at least fifteen times a day I figure I probably lost my hearing.
  Take care all and I pray LFCC's VBS is going great. Stay good.


  1. VBS is going very well, but of course we do miss our head parking crew guy. It is really great to have the pre-school and elementary kids all in one building now. Sandi

    1. Glad to hear VBS is going well and I forgot that the new building would bring the group's together. Neat and convenient.

  2. During VBS this year, I have had the opportunity to meet several new "to me" people that have attended LFCC for 1-3 years. Most of them attended 2nd or 3rd service, while we attended 1st service, so we just never had much of a chance to meet. It's nice for the volunteers to be able to visit with each other a little bit each night, especially during the wonderful meals they are serving us each night. With the relevant scriptures, crafts, music and teaching of God's Word, I think it has turned out to be one of the best VBS's ever!

    1. That is what I miss about not being there for VBS. Getting to work with members I don't normally get to see of talk to.
