Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 41

    Today was first day off and I decided to head to Cody. I needed a haircut and some medicine for my arm, as I think I have a case of poison ivy or poison oak. The pharmacist said to try cortisone cream first. Cathy also said to try different soap and laundry soap. So I picked up those too. I also took Bob with me as he needed to pick up medicine. I got my hair cut at the Walmart style shop and the girl did a good job but I still do not like to be asked "Do you want those eyebrows trimmed back?" 
  After Walmart Bob and I had lunch in the park inside Cody. Yes I had peanut butter and jelly, the lunch of champions. After lunch we decided to check out a local museum called "Dug up Guns". Basically this museum displays guns and knives that had been found. The displays were great. Each gun was not only identified as to manufacturer and make but there was detail on where they were found and sometimes researched on circumstances around the gun. My favorite one was a double barrel stage coach shotgun that was found next to the largest gold cache found in Utah. The gold was from a Well's Fargo stage coach robbery.
  We walked around town and I got some great pictures of inside the Irma hotel. Buffalo Bill Cody's hotel.  I will be posting them on Facebook.  
  The drive to and from Cody was pretty but devoid of any animals worth stopping for. Maybe next time. The streams are starting to be less intense as the snow melt is almost complete and the mountains are starting to look more bare.
 After dinner I decided to see if I could get to see White Cone Geyser go off. I saw it from a distance yesterday but wanted to see it up close. I drove through the Firehole Lake Drive and parked next to the geyser. You get to see this one pretty close and I waited about forty minutes before it erupted. It is a cone geyser and it shoots straight up just like it was coming out of a garden hose. The strange thing is that it being a cone geyser, everytime it erupts it leaves behind material that will in the future close it off and it will cease to exist as a geyser.  I also went to see a Fumarole. This started out as a geyser when an earthquake occurred twenty five years ago. Then it transformed into a mud pot and then into a Fumarole. Basically a large hole in the ground that makes a very freaky noise, like it is breathing.
  That is my day and tomorrow I will be traveling to a couple of old mining towns. Virginia City and Nevada City.
  Take care and please leave a comment or email me at FalconSackett@Gmail.com if you have any questions.

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