Saturday, June 18, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 31

   Today is a special day. I have been working here for a month now. I would like to thank all those who has confidence that I  could make it this far. Unfortunately that does not include my brother's Rick, Dirk and Linc who bet against me staying this long. Neener neener boys.
  The day was pretty uneventful except I did get to meet my first tourist from Hungary. He was a very funny guy and has a great accent. He looked just like a Gypsy to me.  He even made fun of my accent.  
  I also went out of my way to remind all the kids I saw that tomorrow was Father's day. But I had to be very careful that they were from the U.S. As that day does not mean too much to foreign tourists. The only time I got bit in the rear end about this was when a man was paying and two kids and a woman were behind him. I asked the kids if they knew what tomorrow was and they said no. I told them it was Father's day, to which the oldest kid responded "He is not our real Dad!" That I did not have a response for. But I still talked to the kids I met about Father's day anyway.
  Well that is about all for today but I have a couple more observations about my time here.
  Observation one: People are surprised that Wyoming does not have state taxes on purchases. But Wyoming forces Yellowstone to tax all purchases in the park at six percent.  So don't think Wyoming does not collect taxes. They may not collect money from their residences but all you tourists are supporting them with your taxable purchases by the millions.
   Observation two: We are required to try to up sell some items around the cash register to the tourists, such as tote bags, huckleberry sucker's, etc.  You know your a good up seller if you can get foreign tourists to buy extra stuff when they can't speak English.
  All for now and I will celebrate my one month anniversary by watching the Cubs on TV tonight. Stay smiling all.


  1. Happy 1 month Anniversary, Bret!!

  2. I also had Bison Stampede to Place, and Badger Attack to Show.
    Sounds like they're getting their money's worth out of you in the gift shop.

    1. Yeah Dirk they are getting their monies worth for sure but then again an getting my monies worth of the parks.
