Monday, June 6, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 19

  Woo woo, last day of work before two days off. Today I worked the late shift and was pleasantly surprised after a very busy morning that the crowd died off later in the evening. The store supervisor for tonight let me go two hours early. A good day for sure. The best customer encounter today was explaining to a couple of French speaking ladies the difference between the word geezer and the word geyser. I told them old faithful is a geyser and Bob, who works next to me is an old geezer. To which Bob overhearing said "What!".
  I also received a pleasant surprise tonight that I did not expect. During my afternoon break I was resting in my room when Garth, are you still laughing at his name, knocked on my door and said I had two visitors in the store. To which I said "me?" He indicated they asked for me by name. So I put on my flip flops and went to the store. I saw a couple waiting off to the side and I asked them who were they waiting for and they said Bret Hobbs. It took me awhile to place them but I finally did. They were Jim and Iva Hough. Jim and Iva have a cabin next to John and Maryann Griggs on flathead lake. John introduced Cathy and I to them quite some time ago. Maryann got Jim to friend me on Facebook so he could read my blog. Jim and Iva stopped by to say hi on their way to their cabin on Flathead lake. I asked them if they wished a tour of the general store and they said yes, so I gave them the behind the scenes tour of the catacombs we use to store our goods to the tunnel that connects the catacombs to our dorm. They also got to see the employee dining area and grocery stocking area. They seemed to really like the tour and you never know if Jim and Iva decide to come work for the store I can get fifty dollars a piece for recruiting them. But I think Jim and Iva would rather be at the cabin on Flathead than work in the store all summer. It was sure neat to have a visitor that knew me and I hope they have safe travels to their cabin.
  Since I got off early I decided to head to the old faithful lodge to watch old faithful at sunset.  I found out that she would not erupt for several minutes so I decided to head to the woods behind the lodge to see if I could see any wildlife. Directly behind the lodge is a small river that runs into the old faithful geyser basin. Off of the river is a few small geysers and a meadow that heads up to a medium sized hill. I sat in one spot for awhile but nothing was moving. So I moved around to another side of the river and a different view of the meadow. After a few minutes the biggest grizzly bear I have ever seen came out of the woods on my right and headed to my left and up the meadow to the hill. Folks I am not kidding you when I say it was big. It was larger than a bison and I  was seeing it from a distance. I will upload a video of it when I can but it won't do it justice. When it was close to me I could not get a good picture because it would go behind trees and bushes in the meadow. My video of it is when it started to climb the hill. What a great evening.
  My first day off tomorrow will be a trip across the Beartooth mountains and into Red Lodge Montana. I already have put in my request for a picnic lunch of, yes you guessed it, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I plan on eating lunch while sitting on a mountain peak 11,000 feet up. I just talked to someone at the lodge who said the snow is still  high up on top of the mountain and the mountain lakes are still frozen over. It will be a great day and an all day trip.
  Well that is about it and please keep praying for my friend. God knows who he is and God is in charge. Take care and stay well.

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