Monday, June 13, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 26

  Today is my Friday and I am sure glad of it. This day has been very trying as the tourists kept coming and coming and some were not very nice. I don't know why they had very little patience today but it certainly showed.  A few of the incidences involved parents and kids and a very comical argument between a Chinese husband and wife. It seems the husband did not want to spend as much as the wife was putting on my table. I stopped scanning the stuff and just waited for the chatter to stop. Finally the Chinese wife won and indicated with a head nod for me to continue scanning. I did not make eye contact with the husband as I did not want to add insult to injury.  We even had a guide dog start an argument with another dog in the store.
  Needless to say I am looking forward to a couple of days off. I have yet decided where I will go but I leaning toward going to the grand canyon of Yellowstone and look around. The second day I may head to Cody to go to the museum.
 On personal note I found out today that Kenny Weathers passed away. I visited him and his wife Carol many times before I left. He will be greatly missed and please all my friends pray for Carol and the family. Carol and Kenny have been so nice to me and so faithful to LFCC.  They both love the Lord and felt that if the doors were open that they needed to be there to worship and to study the word.
  Take care all and stay well.

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