Saturday, June 11, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 23

   Got up early today so I could take a walk around the geyser basin and read a little while sitting on the porch of the general store. The day was perfect as the temperature got to a high of seventy eight and sunny with a cool breeze blowing.  I enjoy sitting on the porch and people watch. Listening to the tourists comments and conversations is very interesting. Today I heard a woman tell another that the bird they were looking at was a big hawk. In reality they were looking at a Raven. I watched a car pull in that had two bikes on top.  Once the tourists exited the vehicle and headed into the store, the Raven hopped up onto the top of the car and then on top of the bicycle seat. He then proceeded to peck at the seats and I am sure put a few holes in them. What he was after is anyone's idea. They are very tricky birds.
  Nothing much happened at the store today business wise. I did meet my first customer from the Netherlands. He was pretty cool. I also talked at length with a woman who was in a cross country bike race. She was needing camping info but there was not much camping close to the old faithful area. She decided to find a place just off the road and into the woods to sleep for the night. I wished her well and told her to stay safe. Also good luck in the race as she said there would be more bikers coming. 
  The highlight of the night was a customer with a Polish name who challenged me to pronounce her last name right. I looked at the credit card and studied and finally pronounce the name. She smiled and laughed and said I nailed it. Her friend then gave me her card and told me to pronounce hers and I looked and threw up the white flag immediately. It began with"Scz" followed by nine letters and I was not even close. So against the Polish challenge I was fifty percent. Not too bad.
  That is all for the day. Not very much happened but it was payday and that helped.  Take care you all and I was very pleased to hear that the LFCC dedication was well attended. Give God all the glory as we have been blessed.


  1. My dad would say that it's an old Polish tradition if you can pronounce the girl's name, you have to marry her. Lol.

    1. Meeting a lot of people whose names are very hard to pronounce but I give it the old college try. I think mostly all of the Polish people I have met have easy to pronounce first names to offset their last name. :)
