Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 40

   Finally my Friday has arrived. I definitely do not like an evening shift followed by a day shift. Hard time getting up this morning, but I made it to breakfast and onto the floor to prepare for opening the store. The morning had me restocking the cashier station with paper bags and condiments for the customers who buy grocery items.  Then I was called to help stock the booze section. I am amazed at how many varieties of hard liquor the store sells.  I also learned a new phrase called "front those items". Which basically means pull the stuff toward the front of the display because we don't have enough stock to fill the shelves.  The morning was pretty slow until around ten. Then the tourists started piling into the store.  Worked hard until lunch break.
  After lunch the tourists came in pretty steady and the rest of the day went pretty fast. Nothing remarkable happened with the customers but I want to tell you about a daily occurrence. Every day some tourist leaves something behind and we have a lost and found drawer. The drawer fills up fast and we have to move the items to another area. If the items are not claimed in a certain time then the park rangers pick up the stuff. What happens then I do not know. The strange thing is we have found money. Just this week I found a twenty dollar bill in front of my cash register on the floor. I also had a girl bring me two twenties that she found in the ATM machine. I handed over the money to Garth and he told me this week that a small pocket book with no ID was turned into him that contains three hundred dollars. So far no one has claimed any of the cash.
   After dinner tonight I decided to go for a drive just to get away from people and the dorm. I headed into Firehole Lake Drive and stopped at the Great Fountain Geyser. This geyser does not go off regularly but it is known to erupt during a certain time frame. The sign said it could erupt between 6:45pm and 10:00pm. I got there around 7:15 and was the only one there. So I just sat down and enjoyed the evening of solitude and waited to see if the geyser would blow. After awhile a fellow and his wife joined me and we struck up a conversation. They were from South Dakota and he and his brother owned a business making pipe organ pipes. His business was only one of five left in the United States. Pretty neat. Around nine pm the geyser erupted and it was worth the wait. More spectacular than old faithful and erupted a lot longer. It was pretty neat and I posted videos of it on Facebook.
  Well my first day off I will be heading into Cody with Bob. He needs medicine at the Walmart and I need to find a barber. I hope you all are doing well and life wherever you are is going good. Keep praying as God is listening and watching.

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