Friday, June 24, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 36

  Well first day back to work on the night shift. Got up early to transfer pictures from my cell phone to my computer. Phone is getting filled up with pictures and videos.  I am going to have to organize them logically one day.
  The first three hours of the shift was pretty busy but I found out that I was glad I was not on the early shift. It seemed the credit card processing went down and all the cashiers had to go back to the old fashion "Knuckle buster" credit card machine. If you are my age you will remember them. You put the credit card in the slot then put the paperwork with all the carbons on top and slide the imprinting bar over the whole mess several times to get an imprint. The early shift cashiers were not happy people.
  My shift today allowed me to meet a very nice couple from Israel and some very giggly girls from Switzerland.  Also I talked to a couple from Spain who knew about Rota where Jacob was. He traveled to Spain this week for work.
  The split shift after dinner was relatively slow so I put up stock. Getting to hate coffee mugs and shot glasses.
  On a side note, what is with the Cubs? Losing four games in a row. Come on. Glad that is off my chest. :)
  Well that is about all so I will leave you with a couple of Yellowstone observations. 
  Observation one: If you plan on coming here to stay or camp you better make reservations well in advance because it is only middler of June and already the entire park is full. No vacancies at all in any hotel or campground. I have many people come to my cash register wanting to know where they can stay. They are really disappointed when they find out everything is booked up.
  Observation two: I was corrected recently that the correct pronunciation of "bison" is with the S sounding like a Z.   I will have to verify that one but the intellectual that told me this seemed sincere.
  That is all for now. Sleep well everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you Zlept well!!
    Looking forward to reading more of your postz!
