Sunday, June 26, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 38

  Well up late this morning. It seems payday means to some buy alcohol and drink the night away. I had to have a talk with a dorm mate this morning about what quiet hours means. He apologized and I hope it does quiet down but I think alcohol is the problem. I have been praying for him and hoping to be able to get him to come to church services sometime.
  Lunch was fantastic as I had something that I never had before called sweet potatoe mush. It was great and the ham they fixed was excellent too.
  After lunch I headed into the store and relieved one of the workers. Ten minutes into the shift and the tourists packed the place and never quit until my break three hours later.  The weather has been perfect for the tourist as the highs have only been in the seventies and sunny. Great weather for hiking and exploring the park.
  I did get to help name a wolf doll for a little girl today. I asked her if she has a name for the wolf she bought and she shook her head no. I suggested Addison and her mom said she started to call the wolf that when she came back to my cashier station later.  One day she may find out that is the name of the street the Cubs play on.
  I also met a guy named Dirk. Same as my brother but with a better temperament. Sorry Dirk but had to say it. :)
  After a dinner of BLTs I headed back onto the floor of the store. It looked fairly busy but the tourist dwindled down and by six thirty I was doing stock work. Fortunately I was not assigned named mug cups tonight. I was tasked with restocking the hunting and fishing area. This was going well until someone asked me how best to fish for trout. I told them I own a Popeil  Pocket Fisherman if that answered their question on what I know about trout fishing. He laughed and quickly walked away to find another person to ask. It seems nobody respects the pocket Fisherman anymore. $19.95 and still going strong.
  Not much else happened so I will leave you with an observation from some kids and parents interaction today. This place needs to build a woodshed. Some kids and some parents need a good beating. I have seen many whiny kids and parents that knuckled under their whining.
  Tomorrow is church day and will get up early for breakfast and outdoor services at the Old Faithful Inn. I will this time dress warm as it will be around forty degrees tomorrow's morning.  Take care all and I hope my readers are doing well.


  1. Glad your summer is going well.I think Dr Spock started the "unruly kid"situation with our kids today. VBS crew worked well together with only a few minor incidents. Prayers for you several time a week. Enjoy your trip writings. Keep up the good work.
    Lester and Pat

    1. Thanks Lester and I knew you and the rest would come through the parking challenge OK.

  2. I'll let my lawyer handle this slanderous blog.

    1. Slander? I got two other brothers as witnesses. :)
