Sunday, June 19, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 32

  Had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I think the cool evenings have created great sleeping weather for sure.  After breakfast I entered the store and looked out toward the geyser and saw very few cars. Either the tourists were sleeping in or they decided to celebrate Father's day and not do tourists stuff. As the morning progressed we had very few customers so I stocked shelves. My job this morning was to stock the coffee mugs with names on them. It seems the names Steve and Terry are most popular but our "I love Dad" mug sold real well yesterday. 
  Today I met customers from Finland, the Philippians and Laos. You sure get to meet a lot of people from different countries for sure. I wish I had more time to talk to them as I would like to know about their countries.
  My most interesting customer was a girl who came to my register and paid for a few items. Then she asks me if our manager was around. I used the walkie talkie to ask for Garth to come to my register. When he got there this girl asked Garth if my group was hiring because she said and I quote "I just got fired from Xanterra and wanted to know if I could work with your group." OK folks I may be old school but should your first sentence to a prospective boss detail that you just got fired?  I may sound old school but girl you are a little off in your interview approach. Just a little.
  Tomorrow is Friday and like every day before being off I have to switch shifts. So I will be working late shift tomorrow. Going in at eleven thirty and off at nine forty.  I have not decided what I will do on my days off but I think a hike around another geyser basin may happen.
  On a personal note. This being father's day I have thought about how my son's are both now father's and they both have made me so proud. I sure do feel old when I look around here and think of how Cathy, Jacob, Logan and I vacationed here and it just does not seem that long ago, but it has been several years. Time sure flies.
  I will leave you with one observation. I think I may have to patent these. The majority of tourists, and many employees, hate the penny. I don't know how many tourists just walk away not wanting the small change. Also I have picked up several pennies in the store off the floor and outside on the ground.  I even had a tourist ask me why the park does not round up or down and stop handing out pennies. The hate for Mr. Lincoln's coin is evident for sure.
  Well I will be heading to night church  at eight thirty. So you all take care and stay well. 


  1. You should keep track of all of the countries you have met people from. VBS starts tomorrow. I don't know how things will go without our leader but we will try to make things work. Enjoy reading your blog.

    1. Thanks Lester and I hope the parking crew keeps up the tradition of superior service that I have led over the years in VBS.

  2. They have been exceptionally quiet this year.
