Thursday, June 30, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 43

  Well back to work after two days off and it was very tough to even show interest in getting up and going to work, but I did get up and get to breakfast and head to work.  What surprised me is that things were pretty slow all morning. So I was assigned to the stock room and I hung shirts all morning. We sell hundreds and hundreds of shirts and jackets every day. So every morning we have to bring the stock out of the dungeon and onto the floor. Also twice a week we get a delivery truck with pallets of boxes that have to be taken to the dungeon and opened and their contents put on the stock shelves.
  After working the morning I went to lunch and rested until 2:30, which is the end of my break. After the break I went back onto the floor and business picked up but still was not overwhelming. So it was an easy day. Not too many customer events today but did meet a couple from Indiana, New Albany.
  There were a few incidents in the dorm while I was off. Seems like alcohol is causing a few issues with those living in the dorm. It reached a tipping point yesterday where the boss came into the dorm and locked up the upstairs common room. This is the TV room for those living upstairs. I guess some people got drunk and trashed the place up. As a result we are having an all dorm meeting tomorrow to discuss drinking issues in the dorm and the cleanliness of certain dorm rooms.  I am having a lot of trouble dealing with drinking in the dorm by the young and old. It is very sad to watch a young man drink daily to excess. I really think we have a few tenants in the dorm that need counseling or medical help to stop drinking.
  On a related note, we had four more people quit. Two were cashiers and two were fountain workers. I will miss the two cashiers as they were very good workers. One is leaving for a better job and the other is having family issues back home.
  We added a couple of Taiwan kids this past week but are still short of help.  We also are hiring people who have been fired from the other contractor in the park. Not a good idea, in my opinion, but the desperation of Delaware North to fill positions is overriding their common sense.  I still don't have a roommate and that is good. I think getting a drinking roommate will send me home fairly quickly.
  I just thought I would blog this as there are some reading this who may want to follow in my footsteps. You need to know the good and the bad. If you are a couple then you would not have to put up with the dorm issues but all employees are affected when people quit and half hearted workers are hired.
  You all take care and I want to say a special Happy Birthday today to my grandson Marek, who turned the big one year old today. Love ya Marek and miss all my family too.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read your post, Bret. Sorry about the problems there. Hey... I found a site that shows a live Old Faithful cam. Looks like the camera is high up behind a bunch of viewing benches that are lined up on a concrete walkway. The geyser was going off and a few people were walking around and/or sitting watching it. As Old Faithful started to settle down, I expected that I would see your face close up in the camera saying: "Tha..Tha..That's All Folks!!"
