Friday, July 1, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 44

   Got up early for a breakfast of raisin bran. The main conversation this morning was not payday but the dorm meeting with the boss today. Most knew what would be said but the boss surprised quite a few at the things that were going on. It seems the biggy was someone was selling underage workers some booze. The boss warned them that any hint of this in the future will be dealt with by the park rangers and reminded us all that this is federal land and the crime will be under stiffer penalties. The second thing the boss was disturbed about was the noise level and those not honoring the quiet hours. Next came a reprimand for dirty rooms and a reminder that they are not our rooms. So the boss indicated that room checks and dorm walk throughs will commence now. Those not confirming to the rules will be fired and any room damage will be taken out of paychecks. Needless to say some of us seasoned citizens have threatened the younger workers that we will not be ignoring rule breakers but will warn and if that does not work will rat them out to the boss.
   The work day was pretty slow and the day brought a very cold rain with hail. I did get to meet a couple from Lima Peru and a very nice couple from Nazareth Israel. I also had an interesting encounter with a couple who were deaf. I did not keep looking at the wife when I talked as I tend to have to keep an eye on the cash register display to ensure the items ring up correctly. Well I got a tap on my shoulder and the wife pulled my chin gently in her direction and said "I can't hear you when you are not looking at me." I apologized and said it was habit and I hope I did not offend them. She laughed and said "Happens all the time." I am getting put through the customer adjustments for sure here. The couple were great and I really respected them and the hardships of not hearing that they were navigating each day.
  Well that is about all for today. Day shift again tomorrow. I will sleep good tonight as the dorm meeting cut into my nap time.  Take care you all.


  1. Sorry to hear about the dorm problems. Hopefully the meeting will resolve the situation. Remember that you are there for a purpose that you may not realize. Show them Jesus every day and all will be well.

    1. Thanks Les. It is a real eye opener to see what young people are like away from church and in the trenches of life. I will do my best to give the an example for sure.
