Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 70

   Well can you believe it I have reached seventy days working in the park. I know my brothers can't.  It has been an adventure for sure. Many ups and downs and many surprises, but all in all a pretty good experience so far. The other day my floor supervisor came to me and asked if I would be coming back next year to work. I told him no rather quickly and he said "Hey you could have thought about that a little!" I told him you do not understand I do not need to work and I am doing this just so I can explore the park. After almost four months I will have seen all I would have liked to have seen. If I do this again I will be picking another national park to work at and explore that area. He said he understood and admitted my situation is vastly different than most temporary workers they hire.
  Speaking of work, with the quitting of cashiers we have not been able to cover certain areas in the store. One of those being the hunting and recreation loft on the second floor. It seems that some tourists have taken advantage of this by stealing items regularly. The boss decided to pull all high priced items out of the loft and put them in the store room. There is a note on the shelves indicated to come down to a cashier if you wish to see/purchase an item. I guess the straw that broke the camel's back was when the floor supervisor discovered someone had started cutting into the wires securing the GoPro cameras. Yes folks tourists can be thieves too. Shocking I know but I am 95 percent certain that it is the american tourists that are doing the stealing, with some local temporary workers looking for fast cash to buy booze and drugs.
   Slept in today and woke up in time to get some laundry done. After laundry I grabbed my PB&J lunch and headed south to the Tetons. I just wanted to do a photo hike near the lake and to find a nice peaceful place to lunch. Because of my late start I had to fight through the tourists to get out of Yellowstone and into the Grand Teton park. Also finding a parking place for my short hike was pretty difficult too.  I managed to find a great spot at a turnout to not only hike by the lake but take some great pictures. After hiking for a short while I got in the car and headed to the Jackson Hole airport to use their WiFi.
   I made it back to the dorm with no issues and headed to the EDR for dinner. At dinner I found out that being off today was a good thing because someone in the corporate IT headquarters decided that today they would update the cash register system. Well guess what? They destroyed the stern of processing credit card transactions and no credit cards have been able to be processed at all today. That means that every credit card has to be processed the old way of using the credit card swiping machine that was used when I was a kid. I think all the cashiers will wake up tomorrow with tennis elbow. They told me the lines were very long and the tourists were very cranky, but the floor supervisor just told them to go as fast as they can and do the best they can.  The cashiers really looked wore out in the EDR.
  I was going to hike up to the overlook tonight but it is still in the low eighties and I really don't want to sweat that much before bed time.  So take care you all and be well and I will leave you with a statement I heard today on market place. When a business woman was asked what she thought of the political environment and how that it would affect her business, she said. "I am embarrassed for America that these two candidates are the best our country can come up with." I have to agree with her.

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