Saturday, July 2, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 45

  Got up early for another day shift.  Being a Saturday before the fourth I figured it would be busy but I was wrong. The day went pretty easy and not much happened. So I decided to take a late evening hike to see Riverside geyser go off. It was spectacular and now I am sitting in front of Mortar geyser composing this blog.  One of my co-workers works for the park in his off time as a geyser spotter. Reporting geyser activity to the main park ranger station. They use all the spotters data to let tourists know when geysers may go off. That is how I knew to walk the three miles to Riverside geyser to see it go off. As I have said before there are plenty of geysers more spectacular than Old Faithful to see in the geyser basins at Yellowstone.  I took a few videos and pictures that I will upload to Facebook later.
  I did managed to meet a couple from Holland today and a couple from Sweden. I also got a great compliment from a teenage girl who said I had a fantastic looking beard. I told her that I had fifty seven years to perfect it. Made my day.
  I also found out that a twenty pound rated paper bag cannot hold ten potatoes and a bottle of beer. Made a nice mess in front of my counter when the customer carrier it away. Lessons learned.
  I will leave you with a couple of observations before I hike the three miles back to the dorm. Observation one: Senior citizens should never be allowed to by selfy sticks. Just stick to caring a cane. 
  Observation two: When visiting the Old Faithful area to see the geyser. Ignore the main parking lot and find the parking that is in front of the stores, as there is always parking there during the day. The main parking is an eighth of a mile away from Old Faithful .
   Take care you all and be good to one another. 

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