Sunday, July 31, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 74

  Another early day and hard to get up this morning. For some reason or another I have been waking up at two am for the past few mornings. This morning I heard thunder in the distance and that could have been what woke me up. Breakfast was good and I headed to the store to get my til. The day started slow and stayed that way for the morning shift. I worked for Sandy until I managed to stock all the knick knacks she needed. Then I worked with her husband Bill stocking the grocery section. This being Sunday business was pretty slow and I would imagine that after I come back from break it will only be moderately busy.
  Well I was fooled. Business was pretty busy after break and they moved me out of apparel and into grocery because grocery was getting slammed. I worked in grocery until the end of shift.  I did meet a family from Mitchell Indiana though. The dad said he likes Linton and has been there several times. Good to see some Hoosiers again.
  Being busy made the shift go faster for sure and before I knew it it was dinner time. I am now resting in the common room watching the Cubs lose to the Mariners. In a short while I will go to the church services at the rec hall. Get to sleep in tomorrow as I switch to night shift for my Friday. Looking forward to the days off as the tourists are really getting to me. I see this everytime I get close to my days off. I think it is cashier fatigue. 
  Well please take care and please remember to pray for Veronica and her cancer and Nancy dealing with the death of Chuck. Thanks.


  1. You should've kept watching the game. "Regular season game of the century" they're calling it. "A never-to-be-repeated Wrigley miracle" others are saying. "Only fair-weather fans would've missed this game" said Harry Carey in a rare postmortem appearance. Too bad you missed it.

    1. I saw the whole ending Dirk. After I went to church the game was on and Jack and I watched it to the end. A pretty great game for sure.
