Saturday, July 16, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 59

   Another early day today for our crew. We had some bad news last night as two more people quit. The husband was a shift supervisor and his wife was a cashier. They gave their notice and will be moving on in a week. They will be missed for sure. Getting someone to step up as a supervisor is going to be hard and losing another cashier is going to hurt.  If they take a cashier to step up as a supervisor then we will be two cashiers down. A little late in the season to be hiring competent help.
  After breakfast I went on the floor and immediately started working for sandy putting up knick knacks and such. Business was relatively slow most of the morning. I did get to meet three couples from Indiana. One from New Albany, one from Anderson and one from Freedom Indiana. The one from Freedom knew of Linton and we had a great talk.  I also met a couple from Costa Rica and got to talk at length with some people from New Zealand.
  After lunch business was still slow. Everyone must be seeing attracting in the park versus buying junk. :) We had a medical emergency in the store shortly after three. A lady collapsed and there was a call to any employee who knew CPR. When the ladies head was tilted back she started breathing again. The store had the medical team and park rangers there pretty quick. Have not heard how she was or if they lifelined her somewhere. I said a silent prayer for her health.
  The rest of the afternoon was pretty slow and Old Faithful was not going to erupt until after I was off so it was very quiet.  
   Dinner was brats and hotdogs with baked beans. A cowboy dinner for sure.  Some amusing observations from the employees. It seems that some employees have a hard time keeping track of items entrusted to them. Several have lost their ID cards and keys to dorm and lock boxes. But today was the kicker when one employee declared to the boss that they lost their paycheck from two weeks ago.  If you were the boss would you replace the paycheck? Sometimes they act more like ten year olds than adults.
   Take care and stay well. Go Cubs and Phil Mickelson. :)

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