Saturday, July 23, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 65

   Well I got up early today so I could go shopping at the store for gifts for the family. Today is the day Delaware North gives employees fifty percent off any item in the store, except alcohol and grocery items. To ensure that I bought the correct sizes I took pictures of the items and got sizes approved by Cathy via text. 
  After shopping I waited for lunch and then headed to store for my shift. The floor supervisor assigned me to the apparel section today.  Business was pretty steady until the store manager reported that a head-on accident occurred in the West Thumb area and the park rangers closed the highway from West Thumb to Old Faithful. That slowed business down quite a bit. I did manage to talk to a family from northern Indiana. They live close to the Gary area. Funny thing I have noticed about Indiana folks. It seems northern Indiana folks rarely visit southern Indiana and southern Indiana folks rarely visit northern Indiana. Just an observation.
  The day is also payday and that makes the employees rather happy today also.  After dinner I headed back to the floor and found, like normal, business has slowed down. After an hour I worked in the walk-in refrigerator stocking water and pop and such. The days have been rather hot and stocking the water bottles is an all day chore.  Not too much happened with evening shift and I stocked until time to close. It always seems that when we close the doors at nine thirty that you get tourists banging on the doors wanting to get in to "I promise I only need one thing." The floor supervisor has been burned in the past and forbids us to let anyone in past nine thirty. When I have door guard I feel like Noah closing the ark door.
  Well that is all except I did get a call from my brother Rick who let me know he and the other two brothers played golf today. One of the things I do miss during this summer adventure is playing golf with the brothers. I rarely ever won but the banter between the brothers was worth every penny lost.
  You all have a great day and be well.  Good night.

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