Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 62

   Got up early to eat breakfast and to get on the road. The two Dominicans, not Puerto Ricans like I first thought, that wanted to travel with me could not get up in time to leave. I talked to them when I got back and they apologized and will try next week to go with me. We will see if they can get up early as they tend to stay up too late. But hey they are young.
  Headed out at seven to go down south to the Grand Tetons. I stopped at the overlook near Duck Lake to see if bear were out and about in the meadow. The bear were not there but five elk were. Watched them for awhile and then headed south. As I drove I smelled the smoke from the fire that occurred two days ago in the Teton area. Twenty two hundred acres burned because of a lightening strike. They got it under control but smoke was still in the air and as the Teton mountains started to show I saw the smoky haze around their base.
  I turned into Coulter Bay area because they have a dock area onto Jackson lake that offers cruises onto the lake and toward the mountains. They also have several trails to hike around the lake. Some short and some long hikes. I stopped by the dock first and bought a ticket for the ten fifteen cruise. Since I had over an hour I did a short hike around the bay area. They had several signs warning of bears because the Teton area has more bear sightings than Yellowstone at this time of year. The short hike was pretty and there were no bears just ground squirrels.
  I got back to the dock in time to board the cruise boat. Thirty people on the boat. We all sat in a covered cabin with the captain and first mate doing the entertainment. I did not care for the cabin as I wanted to get to the open area in the back of the boat. So as soon as the captain increased the engines as we cleared the bay area. I left the narrated cabin for the open area and the chance for some great pictures. Jackson Lake is huge and runs right up under the mountains. The captain's route went around a large island and then right under the mountains. I got several great pictures and videos of the mountains and the lake. We saw deer on an island and some eagles on another. The weather was perfect and a gentle wind was clearing the smoke from the area. Since no one on the cruise wanted to sit outside, as there was eight seats, I stayed out in the open through the whole cruise and just enjoyed the ride.  God created some great scenery for sure.
   After the cruise was over I head down the road to Jackson Hole and found a very nice overlook to stop and have lunch. Yes peanut butter and jelly. I also called Cathy and checked in on how things were doing at home.  The view was fantastic and the sandwich was great also.
  After lunch I headed to Jackson Hole airport to say hello to a former coworker who quit earlier this year. I wanted to see if the grass was greener on the other side of the fence but she worked in the gift shop that was in the secure area of the airport. So I just sat in the airport and used their free Wi-Fi to update my phone. The airport is really small about the size of our super Walmart. But their internet is pretty fast.
  After updating the phone I headed for Jackson pass and into Idaho for the trip back to the dorm. I really like the Idaho side of the Tetons and several towns you pass through are very nice and friendly.
  Got back to the dorm in time for dinner and I may take a little hike up to the overlook but only after the Cubs game finishes up.  You all take care and I hope you enjoyed the pictures and videos I put on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures and videos you posted were great!! Thanks for sharing!
