Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 69

   Day off day one. Got up early as I took two guys over the Beartooth mountains to Red Lodge Montana, Stephen and Bob. Bob has been there before but the Dominican, Stephen, had not. 
   After breakfast we headed out at seven and I told them short of a bear, we would not be stopping much in the park on the way out. Little did I know the bison had other ideas. As soon as we left the geyser basin we were stopped by a herd of elk that decided to only half cross in front of me. Half went to my right and into the woods but the other half just stared at my car and stopped by the side of the road. Eventually they decided to wait for me to pass. Stephen got some good pictures of them. Just a few miles down the road a bison decided to walk down the middle of the road toward us. Each car passed by the bison slowly and when it was my turn Stephen rolled the window down and got a great picture of it passing by the car.  I headed toward the canyon area so I could turn north toward the north east entrance. We stopped by the canyon area just past Tower Falls so Bob and Stephen could see the canyon from above. We all took some great pictures. We headed down the road and made the turn toward the Lamar valley and the northeast entrance. Going a few miles down the road I noticed up ahead a road block and it was easy to see what was causing it. About forty bison were huddled on and around the road. I pulled the car up to the line of stopped vehicles and turned off the engine as it looked like a long wait was ahead. Tourists were leaving their cars and approaching the herd for photos. I noticed more bison were coming over a rise to join the herd huddled around the road. After several minutes I looked in the rearview mirror and could see flashing lights coming at us. Sure enough the park rangers finally arrived to get the herd to move. Evidently they have a device that emits a sound that the bison do not like. Once parked it did not take too long before the herd was running back up the rise and out of the road. Finally the cars started moving and we headed down the road toward Lamar valley. After a minute or two we slowed down again as a very large bison was walking down the road and every driver was easing around the bison as it crisscrossed the road. Stephen loved this as the big fella went right past my car with only a foot to spare. We could have pulled on his horn as we passed it.  We made it into the valley and saw a few hundred head of bison feeding in the valley. On our way out of the valley we were stopped by, yes another bison. This one started on my right and once it was clear of oncoming traffic I passed it slowly. Always wary that it could just turn it's head and horn right into my car. I ask Bob and Stephen, "Wish I could see bear like this."
   After leaving the valley we did not have any more trouble and headed to the Beartooth highway. Our plan was to have lunch on top of the Beartooth and then head into Red Lodge to walk around.  We reached the 11,000 foot plateau around eleven and settled in at an overlook for lunch. Stephen spent a lot of time taking selfies with his selfy stick. Bob sat down on a rock to take pictures while I ate my peanut butter sandwich. Stephen's face made the trip worth it for sure. He could not believe the views and today's weather was perfect. It was around sixty degrees and a gentle wind. That made the altitude very pleasant for sure.
  After lunch we loaded up and I stopped on the other side of the mountain so Stephen could see the ski slope. Then we headed back into Montana and the overlook that gave us a great view of the switchback roads we would take going down. On the overlook you have chipmunks and squirrels running around looking for handouts. So many tourists have fed them that they just come up and into your hand looking for food. 
   We left the overlook and headed to Red Lodge. I parked in the middle of town and Bob headed to a bookstore and cigar store he wanted to go to, while Stephen and I headed to the museum. The museum was interesting as it highlighted Jerimiah Johnston the first constable of Red Lodge. He was the guy Robert Redford played in the movie Jerimiah Johnson. I don't know why they changed his last name but hey that is Hollywood.  The museum also highlighted the coal industry that made Red Lodge prosperous. They also highlighted hard rock mining as the only palladium mine in the US is outside of Red Lodge.
   After the museum we walked around town and I showed Stephen a candy store. This candy store was massive and there were buckets of candy throughout the store. Basically you pick up a bag and put in the candy you want to buy. Then you weigh the bag and pay. Stephen said this would not work in his country as people would just steal the candy as they walked through. I laughed and said I would imagine some in the US steal candy too but most will pay for it.  Walking down the street we found a few businesses that had free Wi-Fi. So we sat on a bench and took advantage of the free service. By this time Bob had shown up and he got all his purchases made so we headed back to the car for a trip of fifty miles to Cody Wyoming.
  At Cody I needed to go to the Wal-Mart to get toothpaste and to get some cereal for Jack. I also needed to get my car washed. Stephen wanted to purchase a laptop with money his aunt sent him. The car wash did a fairly good job getting the bugs off the car and Walmart had all we needed, as usual. They also had my favorite thing. The self check out section. No waiting just technology at its best. 
  After Cody we headed back into the park using the east entrance. Getting back to the dorm in time for dinner.  That is about all and the good news is no one quit today. Well sleeping in tomorrow and then hiking a local trail around the geyser basin. Take care you all.

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