Sunday, July 24, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 67

   Well today was an interesting day. Awhile back I was contacted by the local paper as they wanted to do a story on me and my summer adventure. I thought that would be pretty cool and told them it would be OK. I was told that they would be in contact with me at a later date. About two weeks later a fellow contacted me and started to ask me questions. I gave him a few answers but I stopped him and told him to go read my blog, especially the first few entries and if he had anymore questions to call me back. As I felt the blog would answer a lot of questions had.  He said he would but before I hung up I did request one thing. I asked him to email me the article before it is printed so I could check it for errors, as I have worked with the local paper in the past and did not have a good experience on accuracy of submitted articles. Well Jacob got in touch with me today and said something was already in print and as I feared there were errors. The biggest one is the young man misspelled my name all throughout the article. Second thing was that Jacob felt he just cut and pasted from my blog and did not really put the story into his own words.  I told him I would message Chris and let him know I was not happy with the effort. So for anyone of you who read the article please verify anything in there with my blog as I did not have any chance to verify what was wrote. It amazes me that someone who cut and pasted from my own blog could not get my name correct that is clearly listed on the blog's title page. Oh well.
   I got up early today to eat breakfast with Jack. After breakfast Jack and I headed to church services at the Old Faithful Inn. It was forty degrees and the services are outside on the second floor balcony. We got a surprise as today the services were doing Christmas in July. We sang Christmas carols and they provided Christmas cookies for the attendees. While we were singing I noticed many tourists stopping what they were doing and looked up at us singing. I really enjoyed the services and with it being forty degrees the songs felt right.
   This is the last night shift for this week as I switch to day shift tomorrow before my day off.  The day was not very busy and after break I worked in the grocery putting up stock.
  I did get to meet a very nice couple from Buckinghamshire England. I have yet to distinguish accents from different parts of England but I am getting closer to recognising the differences between areas of Britain.  I also talked at length with a woman from Melbourne Australia. She really liked the park and just loved all the water in the park.  I also talked to a couple who was touring the park the right way. They signed up with a tour that takes their clients to each major section of the park. At each section the stay in a hotel two days. That gives them plenty of time to see all the attractions in each area completely. So rather than touring around the park in a hurry hitting each major place for only a short time. This couples tour gives them plenty of time to explore each major area. Food and lodging is included with the tour. I would highly recommend this method for anyone wanting to tie the park with an organized group.
   Well that is all for today. Please keep praying for each other and stay week and do good.

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