Saturday, July 9, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 51

   Slept in today because of late shift. Don't mind that at all. I finished another book last night so I headed to the car to get another book to read. I stopped by to talk to a couple of co-worker smoking outside the dorm. The weather was great and I felt that the business in the store would be up today. 
  Heading to lunch before shift I was pleased that the lunch was roast beef and mashed potatoes. Very good lunch for sure.
  After lunch I stepped out onto a busy floor.  Old Faithful just went off and the tourist herd had hit the store running. I had to help two customers before I could even get my cash register money. It was an up stream battle for sure. As we were getting our money the boss wanted to talk to us as a group before we all started cashier duties. Every once in awhile the boss reminds us to up sell and the rules for dressing for work. The usual talk to pep us up and to remind the slackers that they need to shape up. 
  The first part of the shift was busy but after the break things were pretty slow. I worked downstairs putting stock on the floor until time to close but we could not close in time because Old Faithful went off right before we closed so a mini herd hit the store to buy groceries. Even though you tell someone we close in five minutes they hear "Take all the time you want." People get cranky at the end of the day.
  Not to many customer stories today but there were two major accidents around our area today. Both accidents required people to be lifelined out via a helicopter. Customers told me that traffic was backed up for twelve miles in one area. Some tourists were stuck in traffic for more than an hour. I heard that a motor home ended on top of a car. The rangers said that traffic has been very bad the last few days and many accidents are happening throughout the park. 
   Other than being payday, not much else happened today. The good thing is no one quit and we hired two Bulgarians also. They will work in the fountain/snack bar area, which is desperate for workers.
  Take care and thanks for reading. I pray that God blesses you all and in turn you bless others.

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