Monday, July 18, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 61

   Well it is finally Friday. Looking forward to next couple of days off. I am thinking tomorrow I will go to the Grand Tetons national park and look around.
  Woke up late as it was late shift for me today. I did not mind sleeping in because the guy in the room next to me decided it was a good night to drink and bang around at two in the morning. He has since been reminded that people need their sleep. Got up and got my laundry done before lunch. Lunch was great as always. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.
  After lunch I hit the store floor and worked in grocery section. It was fairly busy and that made the time go by fast. I met people from Slovakia and Norway today. The Slovakians said they love Yellowstone.  The major complaint from tourists today was the two road construction areas going on in the park. I guess there has been some major delays on the roads. One tourist claiming that they waited one hour for the pilot car to get them moving. Doris told me that there is five seasons in Yellowstone. Spring, winter, summer, fall and road construction season.
  After break there was very little business and I put up stock in the refrigerators tonight. I don't mind working in the refrigerators, but will have to get a hat. It does get cold in there after awhile.
  They let me go an hour early so I am in the dorm working on this blog.  I will leave you with a couple of observations. Observation one if you do visit Yellowstone try not to hit the whole park all at once in one day. Take your time and visit one area completely in one day. So many tourists tell me they just wanted to see Old Faithful as they did not have time to see anything else in the area because they wanted to see other areas. Folks it takes almost for hours just to circle the park. That does not leave much time to stop very long at any place.  It is better to see one area completely then to hit and miss area in the park. So much good stuff is missed by tourists with no time.
   Second observation. Do not buy any knives from the general stores. They are junk. Once you leave there is not much chance you can get a defective knife replaced and boy are they defective. You have been warned.
  Well that is about it. You all take care and I hope to have videos and pictures up on Facebook tomorrow. Stay well and keep praying.

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