Saturday, July 30, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 73

   Well I got up early today and my right knee was hurting some. I must have overdid it on the hike last night. It started out as a short hike on a trail behind the lodge and ended up being about six miles because I kept crossing areas I wanted to see and then I ventured off the trail to explore more. Suddenly I find myself walking down the highway back to the dorm and then I crossed another trail that looked like it was heading where I wanted to go and I took it. The highlight of the hike was finding a little geyser just on the edge of a river. This little guy just kept spouting and making noise that I had to get closer to see it. I took a stick and put it in the water it was spouting and sure enough it was warm. So it was not just created by the river pressure but actually by thermal pressure. I put the video of it on Facebook. Around the bend of the river was a pool that was feeding into the river. So I climbed to the top of the hill to look into it. Always careful not to fall into it because of crusty weak ground. All in all an enjoyable hike, except for my knee complaining today.
  Work was pretty much the same as yesterday. Slow but steady tourist activity. So I stocked goods in the morning and waited on customers in the afternoon. Not much in the way of tourist stories today as it was a pretty dull day.
  After dinner I changed clothes and headed for the Old Faithful Inn where I sit now writing to you. There is a violin player entertaining the tourists tonight. There is a line of hungry tourists waiting to get into the dining room. Seems like the place is popular for eating dinner.  I am on the third floor sitting in a nice chair overlooking all the lobby activity. We had rain today which cooled things off but there is no fire in the large fireplace tonight. We need the rain around here as the fire danger is approaching very high. They do not want to see lightening around her as that can cause a fire to start.
  I did meet a tourist today by the name of Veronica and she is battling cancer. She is between treatments right now and the walk around the park has wore her out. I will be praying for her tonight and can all those reading this please pray for her also.
  Also I was informed today that my friend Chuck Reburn has passed away. Please pray for Nancy and the family as they deal with the grief of his passing. Chuck and I played many rounds of golf at Boltenwood when it was in business. He was a great guy and he knew Jesus as his saviour. So I know I will see him again.
  Take care you all and please keep praying.

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