Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 56

   Got up early today to check the weather. I wanted to hike today but not in the rain. Got up at seven and the day was sunny and partly cloudy, but the temperature was thirty two degrees. I decided to eat breakfast  and do the laundry to let the day warm up a little. Went to the laundry room and past the activity room. Last night the dorm had a giant Jenga tournament. I was in the first round and lost immediately. My building skills are not what they should be. I may play again tonight to redeem myself.
  After laundry the temperature increased to fifty two degrees and I loaded up the car with my hiking gear and headed out. I decided to hike part of Mary mountain trail. This trail if hiked all the way is about twenty miles across. Normally you would park your car at the end of the trail and get someone to drop you off at the start of the trail and then hike to your car. For my hike I wanted to hike for two hours and then eat lunch and then hike back to the car.
  I parked my car at the trail parking area. There was only one other car in the parking area, so I doubt if I would meet anyone on the hike unless they were coming from the other direction. The first portion of the hike took me through some thermal areas and I got to see some very pretty thermal pools. I also got to see a couple of birds I have not yet I identified. They were big and walking across a meadow. They were about three and a half feet tall.  
  Soon I noticed a small river to my left and the thermal area turned more into a meadow. After about two miles the trail led me over the small river, via a sort of broken down bridge, and into the woods. I kept looking around in the woods for animals but I also, through my vast Louis L'Amour training, kept looking at the trail for tracks. I noticed some boot tracks were fresh from some other hiker. I also noticed some bison tracks and they seemed to be fresh. After walking in the woods for a while I noticed how quiet it was. Stopping every once in a while I would just stand and listen. The wind blowing in the tree tops was the biggest noise but very peaceful. After walking a bit I heard a very distinctive grunt. The first thought I had was a bear digging for grubs under the rocks that were on my left. After moving slowly for a few more steps I saw the back end of a bison just left of the trail about three feet off the trail. The bison appeared to be trying to eat grass at the side of the trail. I could not go left as the rocky hill was there so that left me to go right deeper into the woods. I chose the second option and kept the bison in view at all times. I was just about around it when it turned and looked at me coming back on the trail. It did not seem to mind me and went back to eating. So I continued down the trail. The hike was very pretty and the small river was nice to have next to me most of the day. I looked at my cell phone and it was about noon. So I decided that I would find a nice place for lunch. With the wind blowing and the temperature staying around fifty eight degrees, the mosquitos were not bad. After hiking over a small stream courtesy of well placed logs, I came to a pretty valley that had some small boulders for me to sit on. Unloading my pack I broke out the PB&J and settled down for lunch. The place was peaceful and other than the wind it was very quiet. Before I left cell reception I got two texts from the prayer group. So along with my asking God to bless my lunch I asked him for help with the two prayer requests. After that I just talked to God for a while about other issues and concerns. Lunch was great and I even did a selfy for a friend of mine who wanted to see me. I hate selfies but did it for her. I posted it on Facebook for her to see.
  After lunch I headed back to the car the way I came. I made it a point to keep my eye out for the bison I left on the trail. What surprised me was how far that guy made after I left it. I came up a hill deep into the woods and there it was laying right on the path I was to walk on. This time he saw me and looked straight at me. So I looked to the left and decided it was time to go deeper into the woods and around him. This time he kept his eyes on me and I did the same to him. After a few yards I made it back to the trail and went back for a look at him to make sure he did not get up. Sure enough he was looking at me but still resting on the trail. 
  I continued to hike back to the car and ran into a family from Switzerland who were admiring the small river. I said hi and the father was the only one who could speak English replied hello. He noticed the bear spray hanging from my pack and asked me if I had seen any bear. I told him no but if he wants to see a bison there was one a couple miles down the trail. I continued on until I reached the rickety bridge and decided I would soak my feet in the river. Taking off my shoes and socks I found out that the water still flows very cold. I could barely keep my feet in the water for more than fifteen seconds. Brisk for sure. I put back on my shoes and socks and headed down the trail to my car. It did not take me long to realize that my hike today was a little longer than my knees could take. I think I did close to thirteen miles and from now on I think I will keep the hikes to ten miles or less.  
  I was very glad to see my car and I climbed into the front seat. I headed back to the dorm and was surprised by the number of tourists parked along side the road trying to get to the thermals and such. I passed the Grand Prismatic and the tourists were parked in no parking areas. During the height of the season tourist just park anywhere they want and this causes many traffic jams. 
  I managed to get back to the dorm safe and sound. I was very tired and took an hour long nap before dinner. I think I will join the dorm group playing Jenga again and try to redeem myself.  That is all for today. Day shift tomorrow. Take care and be well.


  1. Busy man you are. Bison do a tremendous amount of damage when spooked or cornered so please don't stare 1 down to often!

  2. Thanks Bret, for the selfie. I appreciate you going out of your way during your hiking adventure today! It was good to see you there in your new environment.
