Friday, July 8, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 50

   Well it is back to work after two days off. I read the notice that the boss leaves above the clock in station that yesterday was the best sales day of the year so far. $70,000 in sales. It seems that my days off are just at the right time to avoid the tourist mob at the store. 
  On a weather note. It sleeted/snowed here last night. Not enough to show in the morning but visible in the air coming down. The mountains can show a lot of weather changes in a short period of time for sure.
  First thing this morning I called the Hyundai dealer in Idaho Falls to get my appointment changed to an oil change as the check engine light is now staying off. Went to lunch and said hello to all the co-workers I would work with today. Lunch was pretty good. I clocked in and went onto the floor to begin the day. Business was pretty steady but not madding. Had a few laughs with some customers. I saw a man walking by with a St Louis cardinals hat on and I told him "Hey we sell Yellowstone hats to replace the lousy one your wearing now. Go Cubs!". He looked at me and laughed out loud also. It is a good thing that I see more Cub fans than cardinal fans.
  The first part of the shift went well and in no time it was break time.  After break and dinner it was pretty slow and I went down to the dungeon to put up stock. Getting pretty good at finding the future yard sale items in the stock room. I like putting up knick knacks better than clothes.
  Today I said goodbye to a co-worker who came in on the same day as I and was in front of me in the human resources processing line. I told her she will be missed as she was a hard worker and the place needed hard workers for sure. 
  On a side note over the weekend was Garrison Keillor's last broadcast with prairie home companion. I will miss him for sure. I have seen the live show several times and Cathy and I even traveled to St Paul Minnesota to see his live radio show one last time last fall. As story tellers go he is one of the best and I am sure it will be hard to replace him as he retires. Thanks Garrison for all the laughs.
  Well that is about all for my day.  Please pray for each other and pray for our young people. I am getting an education on how far morally our young people have drifted from what God wants out of us all. I have been praying daily for several here to make better choices.