Thursday, July 14, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 57

   Well back to work today on day shift. I can tell I over did the hike yesterday as my right knee hurts today. Will skip any small hikes again until my next break. Ate breakfast and then headed out on the floor to open for the day. I chose to cashier in apparel again and helped Anita put up knick knacks this morning.  Business was pretty slow until eleven when Old Faithful went off. Spent a lot of time giving directions to tourist. Since I have been here I have learned quit a lot about the park and I am glad to help tourists with directions and what to see.
  At break I headed to lunch and the cooks did a great job with chicken and rice.  Was able to get a nap and rest my knees. After break I went back to work and the store was hopping. Business was steady and I noticed that we still did not get some stock in that went out during our cold snap.  Many customers kept asking for sizes that we did not have and that slowed the process of cashing people out. I did get to meet a lot of people from Indiana today. I talked to a guy from South bend and a couple from Tell City. I also talked to a woman from Bloomington who has been to Linton for our fourth of July parade. That is the most Hoosiers I have talked to in one day while here. Pretty neat.
  After the three hours my relief showed up and that was the end of my day. The weather has gotten back into the seventies so the tourists are happy. The traffic is still a problem though and it seems like everyday there is a serious wreck in the park. I talked to a couple from Arkansas that agreed with me that the tourists here could benefit from a driving lesson in Branson. There people are courteous. Letting people into traffic and slowing down and pulling aside to let people pass.
  That is about it other than Cathy sent me a picture of a tree that went down in our yard. She is trying to find someone to come and get it cut up and removed.  You all take care and stay well.

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