Sunday, July 10, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 52

   Today was another late shift day. I got up and showered and went outside to see what the weather was like. It was chilly and looked like rain was coming over the mountains. David, a co-worker, indicated that a cold spell was coming. The next couple of days will only see highs in the mid fifties and it might even snow, as the lows are going to be in the low thirties.
  I walked over to the store to say high to some fellow co-workers and to read my book on the front porch while doing some tourist watching. I stopped by a counter as I saw that the cashier was cutting tags off of a blanket we have been ordered to up sell. I asked what was going on and she indicated that the up sell deal we give the customers was that if they spent more than fifty dollars then they can purchase the blanket, regularly $34.99, for $19.99. I thought that this was a good deal until she told me the reason why she was cutting the tags off. It seems that underneath the $34.99 tag was the original price of $19.99. This really disturbed me as we were doing nothing more than tricking the tourists and I have been a part of this scheme. I can tell you that this has given me a bad taste in my mouth about my employer and from now on I will not be up selling these so called deals. If this were a small town business the store would be closed down for lack of business when customers found out how they have been taken on the so called deal.
  Watched John Wayne in the Shootist until lunchtime.  Lunch was great and after some excellent dessert I headed into the store to get my til to start my cashier day. The store was fairly busy but not overly busy. After getting my money the floor supervisor assigned me, not in the grocery area, but the apparel area. I never had worked in that area before as they always wanted me in the grocery area because I was old enough to handle the alcohol. After a few hours in that area I decided I liked it better because the items I had to scan were less in number but higher in cost. 
  I did meet a nice couple from Australia and from Portugal. Many of the customers this afternoon were foreign tourists who were very pleasant. The only drawback of being stationed where I am is that it is harder to see Old faithful erupt.
  A disturbing thing happened this afternoon when a customer gave out cashier two twenties with some disturbing messages wrote on them concerning Muslims. I saw them and I was glad that my fellow cashier had them exchanged for change and out of our circulation. Hate seems to flow so easily lately because no one has character enough to be the dam to stop the flow. Well call me Hoover because it won't flow through me.
  After dinner I went back to work and business was fairly busy but not overly so. I did get to talk to a couple from Berlin Germany. I asked them about the fall of the wall and how life was there now. They told me that it was very nice and that I should visit some time. I also talked to a traveling couple from Perth Australia. They had the same passion I do for riding trains and we both agreed the Durango to Silverton Colorado train was one of the best.
  When tourist traffic slowed down I put up stock in the grocery area this time. I do not mind working in the grocery except the people in charge of the area want the place set up expertly and get kind of mad if things are not right.  So I have to walk on egg shells while putting up stock so I don't tick anyone off.
  Well tomorrow is Sunday and I will be getting up early to get to breakfast and Sunday services at the Old Faithful Inn. So you all take care and please pray for one another. 

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