Monday, July 25, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 68

   TGIF. I dragged myself out of bed at six to get ready for early shift. Did I tell you how much I hate a day shift after a night shift. But at least I get two days off after today.
   After breakfast I got my til and proceeded to the store. I got assigned in the apparel area and as always I stocked goods until business picked up. Around nine tourists started to come in and boy did they ever. From nine until my break at eleven thirty it was a mad house.
   The funny thing was I waited for my replacement to come and no one showed up to relieve me. Finally Garth showed up and told me I could go on break. He looked a little agitated, but then the job does that to him. I clocked out and was about to go into the cafeteria when I saw my floor supervisor looking at the schedule. I asked him what happened to my replacement and he indicated that two more cashiers just quit today. I said "With no warning?" and he replied "Nope, just packed up their camper and quit." So folks that is four cashiers lost this week. I have been told that there will be schedule changes coming and some cashiers will be getting moved to another shift. I guess I will have to wait and see if I get the call to move.
  After lunch break I headed back to the store and it was busy for the next few hours. I did managed to talk to several people from Indiana today. Mostly northern Indiana towns.  After my shift was over I decided I needed to rewind so I hopped in the car and headed to where the Firehole River is created. You see there is a Firehole Lake that is created by water being emitted from a geyser area. All this water feeds into the lake and then the lake over flows to a creek that gets fed by more and more creeks until it becomes Firehole River. Which flows down and creates Firehole Canyon. The river eventually reaches another river and makes that one larger. A great process for sure.
  Sitting  back in the dorm I was reminded about the casualty we had earlier in the year in the park.  You see a fellow decided to leave the safety of a designated trail to get close to a hot pool. He lost his balance and fell in the hot pool. His friends/relatives rushed to get help but it was too late. The hot pool likely killed him pretty quickly but very painfully. The pool also was very acidic and the park rangers decided that they could not risk getting his body out because the pool was pretty much dissolving it away. So they left it there to completely dissolved. This is a warning to all those who think the pools are pretty but not dangerous.
   Well tomorrow I will be taking two guys over the Beartooth and into Red Lodge.  Take care all and stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that's a story I can't top! Sad but educational, at least I hope that people learn from his misfortune. You stay safe Bret and please I need Breakfast get home!
