Friday, July 22, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 64

    Well I was able to sleep in today as my first day back to work was a night shift. Which was probably the highlight of this quite boring day.  After lunch I headed into work and it was very busy but after the dinner break it slowed down completely. I did meet a guy from Indianapolis who knew of Linton.
  Today was the day the park service inspected Delaware North's properties to ensure that the company was taking good care of the buildings and all. I had to wait in the hall this morning while they inspected the shower areas. If Delaware North is found to have damaged or altered buildings then that could be used against them when their contract is up for review.
  Tomorrow is a special day in that Delaware North is letting their employees buy items in the store at fifty percent off ticketed price. I already have my eyes on several items as gifts for the family.
  Well I told you it was a boring day. No one quit. No one got fired and no tourists were hurt in the filming of this adventure.  Take care and stay well. I hear the temps are high at home. Don't miss the humidity one bit.

1 comment:

  1. With all of the excitement yesterday you probably need a 'down'day...
