Friday, July 15, 2016

Yellowstone Adventure - Day 58

   I forgot to mention in a previous blog that I made it over the hump. I now have 54 days left until my contract is over and I head home. 
  Today I got some texts from prayer chain group about a few friends going through health issues. Rest assured that even though I am miles away, I pray for each and every one. Heart breaks when I get these texts but I know God hears all our prayers.
  Got up early to get computer updated and headed for breakfast. The store was pretty quiet and I worked for Anita today putting up stock. Business did not pick up until about break time. My first two customers were foreign tourists. One couple from Manchester England and the next customer was a couple from Queensland Australia. Got to talk to both at length and they were very interesting people.
  After lunch I was able to watch the Cubs during my break. Was happy to see they put a hurt on the Texas Rangers. They needed a win after all-star break to get them on the right track.
  Business was pretty steady in the afternoon, but the ice cream loft was unbelievable busy. The loft is on the second floor and the line sometimes went down the stairs. Tourists love their ice cream after watching Old Faithful erupt. 
  Was replaced at the cash register and since it was payday Friday that meant pizza night. Pizza was good and will spend the rest of the evening reading on the front porch of the store and giving the knees a rest.  Take care you all and please keep praying.

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